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"Unplanned Adventures in the Rocky Mountains: A Colorado Getaway!"

Have you ever wanted to go on an impromptu trip?

Well, I did just that!

Colorado had a variety of activities that made it a good spontaneous getaway. It seems to have had something for everyone. Skiing in the mountains, nightlife in Denver, hiking trails, and a bunch more, I'm sure (giggles: I rhymed).

I took a stroll to downtown Denver. I figured it could be a good way to experience the city and all of it's charm.

Downtown Denver at the convention center.

There was what looked to be a cheerleader convention taking place. More than five different teams all over the place. I'd not scene this before other than on the tele.

The Big Blue Bear "I See What You Mean" was a sight to see. Super eye-catching! Standing at 40 feet tall and made up of 4,000 tiny triangles.

I See What You Mean peeks inside of the expansive center. It was constructed in 2005 by Lawrence Argent.

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